
I was inspired to document this workshop by entrepreneur and yoga master Karin Dimitrovova, one of many business owners overwhelmed by Black Friday sales and the capacity of maintaining her business while watching the market taken by the storm.
The Black Friday marks the start of the holiday shopping sales between 23rd and 29th of November. The customers in online purchases spent a record $9.12 billion on Black Friday last year, up 2.3% compared with 2021.
Higher prices have also resulted in consumers changing how they pay. Buy now, pay later (BNPL) orders have increased 78% on Black Friday when compared with the previous week (Nov. 19-Nov. 25), according to Adobe.
With the expectation of having the most prominent revenue during the sales, Zero-downtime can be accomplished with Kubernetes Deployments.
In situations where the application is interrupted or in the worst scenario experiencing downtime, Kubernetes is responsible for restoring containerised applications before any visible impact to the customer experience.
Scaling the Service in Kubernetes load-balances the traffic only to available instances (Pods) during the updates and has the most important role to ensure the application’s availability.
In this first part of the workshop you will learn how to manage application deployments with Kubernetes and set up your local testing environment.
What is Kubernetes?
Open source container orchestration tool developed by Google. It helps manage containerized applications, e.g. Docker containers in different environments, e.g. physical, virtual machines, cloud, hybrid deployment environments.
What problems does Kubernetes solve?
The container orchestration tool- rise from Monolith to Microservices which lead to deployments of small independent applications. The need for a container orchestration tool for managing thousands of containers across multiple environments. What features does orchestration tools offer? High availability with no downtime, scalability with high performance- high response rates, and mechanism for disaster recovery- backup the latest application state and restore it.
Main Kubernetes Components
In Kubernetes, a worker node is a server, physical or a virtual machine. Pod is an abstraction of the container- a Kubernetes layer to the container to manage container runtime. Pod is usually meant to run one application container inside, unless it is a helper or side service running in the same pod. Kubernetes offers a virtual network where each Pod has an assigned internal IP address. Pods can communicate with each other using its IP addresses.
In example of the Application with database- application container can communicate to a database using a Pods IP address. Pod components in Kubernetes are ephemeral- it can die frequently. The database container can be lost, because an application crashed in the container, or because the server ran out of resources, and the new pod will be recreated in its place and a new IP address will be assigned.
Service is a permanent IP address with DNS address name that can be attached to each pod. The application and the database will have its own service. The lifecycle of Pod and Service isn’t connected, when the container dies- the service endpoint stays the same. The service acts as a load balancer- it catches the requests and forwards it to the pod.
For the application to be accessible in the browser the external service is created, which opens communication from external sources. The internal services are created to the pods for the database not to have public access, and ingress which is responsible for routing the traffic to the Kubernetes cluster and manages the domain and port forwarding to the external service address.
Pods communicate with each other using services, e.g. application will have an endpoint called mongo-db-service to communicate to the database. If the application name is different, then the url would have to be adjusted in application- rebuild, pull and push a new image to the pod.
Configmap manages external configuration to your application. It contains configuration data like URLs of databases, or other services. In Kubernetes, Configmap is connected to a pod, and for accessing the configuration data the rebuild of images isn’t required.
Part of external configuration of the database is username and password, which may also change in the application deployment process. However placing it within the configmap isn’t secure and for secret information such as credentials Kubernetes has Component Secrets.
Secrets are passwords, certificates, credentials, and connected to the pod. The secrets and configmap is accessible to the application from external file or environment variables.
For data storage Kubernetes offers Volumes. Without volumes when the database container or pod gets restarted, the data wouldn’t persist. Volumes attach the physical storage on the hard drive to the pod. This storage can be on the local machine on the server node where the pod is running, or the remote storage, outside of the Kubernetes cluster, e.g. cloud storage or on premises.
Kubernetes cluster doesn’t manage any data persistence. Kubernetes administrator is responsible for backing up data, replicating and managing it.
The advantage of containerized systems is the system availability with pod replication. If the application dies or pod restarts the Kubernetes offers replication of the server nodes where the clone of the application would run and is connected to the service.
Creation of a second replica isn’t done with the pod creation but the blueprint configuration which declares the replicas. In Kubernetes Pods are created by Deployments, which is an abstraction of Pods.
Database pods cannot be replicated by Deployments, because the database has state and its own data which are controlled by pods writing or reading the data from it. This mechanism is offered by Kubernetes with a Stateful set for Applications such as Elastic, MongoDB, MySQL. Stateful set takes care of the replicating pods and scaling them similar to deployments.
Database applications are often hosted outside of the K8s cluster keeping only stateless applications which are communicating with external databases.
K8s Architecture
Kubernetes operates on two types of nodes- master and slave with roles it has within a cluster.
Worker node processes
The way Kubernetes manage and scale pods is through three processes that must be installed on every node.
Basic setup of node with two application pods running
One of the main components of Kubernetes architecture are its worker servers or worker nodes. Each node has multiple application pods with containers running on each node.
Container runtime
The first process is container runtime, e.g. Docker or other technology, because application pods are running in a container runtime. The process which schedules containers is Kubelet. Kubelet Kubelet interacts with node and container runtime both. It is responsible for starting a pod with the container and assigning resources from the node to container. Kubernetes cluster is often made from multiple nodes. The communication between them works with Services- load balancer catches requests from a pod of application or database and forwards it to another pod. The third process responsible for forwarding requests from services to pods is Kube proxy- it is installed on every node.
Kube Proxy
Kube Proxy also makes sure the communication works the performant way with a low network overhead. For example, if an application is making the request to the database, the service will forward the request first to the replica that is running on the same node as the pod which initiated the request.
How to interact with the cluster?
Do you decide on which node the application pod or the database pod will be scheduled? If a replica pod dies, which process monitors it and then re-schedules or re-starts it? If we add another server how does it join the cluster to become another node with the other pods on it? All these managing processes are done by master nodes. There are 4 processes run on every master node. Master processes are crucial for the cluster operation.
Master node processes
Kubernetes cluster is made up of multiple masters, where each master node runs its master processes, where API server is load balanced and etcd store forms distributed storage across all master nodes. Basic cluster setup of 2 master nodes and 3 worker nodes The power and resources of Kubernetes cluster can be easily increased based on the replication complexity and as its resource demand increases. To add a new master/node server to the cluster the only requirements are a new bare server with installed master and worker node processes.
API Server
First service is API Server. When the user wants to deploy a new application on Kubernetes cluster, it interacts with API Server using Client, e.g. Kubelet or Kubernetes API. API Server is a cluster gateway which gets the initial requests of any updates into the cluster or queries from the cluster, and acts as a gatekeeper for the authentication to make sure only authorized requests have an entrypoint to the cluster.
Scheduler is the next process after the API Server validator which starts the application pod on one of the worker nodes. It has information about the resources on the worker node the application will need such as REM and GPU, and based on the resource availability decide about the worker node on which the next pod will be scheduled to. The process that starts the pod is Kubelet, when it gets the request from the scheduler.
Controller manager
Controller manager detects the cluster state changes such as the crashing of pods and tries to recover it as soon as possible. It makes the request to the scheduler to reschedule the dead pods, and scheduler then decides which worker nodes should restart the pods and makes a request on Kubelet.
Etcd store
Cluster brain etcd is a key value store of a cluster state. Every change on the cluster gets updated on the key value store. It collects all information about which resources are available on each worker node, cluster state change and cluster health. Application data isn’t stored in etcd.
Etcd naming convention has originated from the Linux directory structure: In UNIX, all system configuration files for a single system are contained in a folder “/etc;” “d” stands for “distributed.”
Minikube and Kubectl - Local Setup
In production cluster setup often is required at least two master nodes and several worker nodes, and a separate virtual or physical machines that each represent a node.
For testing the Kubernetes in a local environment, e.g. deploying a new application, setup of a cluster might be impossible due to high requirements for the resources.
minicube open source tool provides one node cluster where the master and worker processes run on one node with Docker container runtime preinstalled. It runs in the Virtual Box or other hypervisor which can be used for testing Kubernetes in local setup.
Kubectl is a command line tool to interact with any type of K8s cluster, such as minicube or cloud cluster. While minicube runs both master and worker processes, one of the master processes API Server is the main entrypoint to k8s cluster. There are several ways to enable interaction with the cluster- UI, Kubernetes API or CLI, and kubectl CLI is one of the most powerful of 3 Kubernetes clients.
Local setup
Install Hypervisor such as VirtualBox https://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads or hyperkit for Mac https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/drivers/hyperkit/ Install Minikube (Mac, Linux and Windows) https://minikube.sigs.k8s.io/docs/start/ Install Kubectl https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/
Start minikube
The following command configures one node cluster “minikube” and “default” namespace by default. If you’re using another hypervisor than Virtual Box select a different driver option:
minikube start –driver=virtualbox --no-vtx-check
# Test the commands:
minikube kubectl -- get pods -A
kubectl version --client --output=yaml
kubectl get pod
kubectl get services
kubectl get nodes
Main Kubectl Commands - k8s CLI
Find the available k8s create resources commands:
kubectl create -h
Create Deployment
Create nginx k8s deployment with following command:
# kubectl create deployment NAME –image=image
kubectl create deployment nginx-depl --image=nginx
The deployment is a blueprint for creating pods. The most basic configuration for the deployment is the name and image to use, and k8s defaults, for instance replicas of the pod: kubectl get replicaset
Abstraction of an abstraction
Deployment manages ReplicaSet. ReplicaSet manages Replicas of Pod, and Pod is an abstraction of Container.
Edit Deployment blueprint
Edit Deployment configuration via kubectl CLI with following command:
# kubectl edit deployment NAME
kubectl edit deployment nginx-depl
Now you are able to edit auto-generated configuration with default values. For the exercise edit the nginx image version to the fixed version. The image versions are available on Dockerhub. Select the version with the least amount of vulnerabilities. Edit the file and save it either with command mode :wq or the editor. https://hub.docker.com/_/nginx/tags?page=1
It will look similar to this configuration:
# Please edit the object below. Lines beginning with a '#' will be ignored,
# and an empty file will abort the edit. If an error occurs while saving this file will be
# reopened with the relevant failures.
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
deployment.kubernetes.io/revision: "1"
creationTimestamp: "2023-11-24T22:04:14Z"
generation: 1
app: nginx-depl
name: nginx-depl
namespace: default
resourceVersion: "980"
uid: 37234dfe-47a5-4d8c-903c-44a67b957149
progressDeadlineSeconds: 600
replicas: 1
revisionHistoryLimit: 10
app: nginx-depl
maxSurge: 25%
maxUnavailable: 25%
type: RollingUpdate
creationTimestamp: null
app: nginx-depl
- image: nginx:1.25
imagePullPolicy: Always
name: nginx
resources: {}
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
dnsPolicy: ClusterFirst
restartPolicy: Always
schedulerName: default-scheduler
securityContext: {}
terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30
availableReplicas: 1
- lastTransitionTime: "2023-11-24T22:04:14Z"
lastUpdateTime: "2023-11-24T22:06:46Z"
message: ReplicaSet "nginx-depl-6777bffb6f" has successfully progressed.
reason: NewReplicaSetAvailable
status: "True"
type: Progressing
- lastTransitionTime: "2023-11-24T22:11:27Z"
lastUpdateTime: "2023-11-24T22:11:27Z"
message: Deployment has minimum availability.
reason: MinimumReplicasAvailable
status: "True"
type: Available
observedGeneration: 1
readyReplicas: 1
replicas: 1
updatedReplicas: 1
Run the kubectl get deployment to see the newly created deployment, one which is running and the old one terminating.
kubectl get deployment
# nginx-depl-549d9fb597-95lsl 0/1 Pending 0 1m12s
# nginx-depl-6777bffb6f-6fc95 1/1 Running 0 5m
Verify the newly created pod and replicaset:
kubectl get pod
# nginx-depl-6777bffb6f-7hmls 1/1 Running 2 (75s ago) 6m
kubectl get replicaset
# nginx-depl-549d9fb597 1 1 1 2m
# nginx-depl-6777bffb6f 0 0 0 6m
Debugging pods
Kubectl logs command is useful to see what application running in the pod logs:
# kubectl logs POD_NAME
kubectl logs mongo-depl-558475c797-hz5ng
# Error from server (BadRequest): container "mongo" in pod "mongo-depl-558475c797-hz5ng" is waiting to start: ContainerCreating
If the container isn’t starting run another command describe for more detailed information about the pod:
# kubectl describe pod POD_NAME
kubectl describe pod nginx-depl-6777bffb6f-7hmls
Create another deployment with mongoDB to see the logs:
kubectl create deployment mongo-depl –image=mongo
kubectl describe pod mongo-depl-558475c797-jsh8g
From the events you will find more information about the Kubernetes scheduler and help with debugging if application has any problems:
Type Status
Initialized True
Ready False
ContainersReady False
PodScheduled True
Type: Projected (a volume that contains injected data from multiple sources)
TokenExpirationSeconds: 3607
ConfigMapName: kube-root-ca.crt
ConfigMapOptional: <nil>
DownwardAPI: true
QoS Class: BestEffort
Node-Selectors: <none>
Tolerations: node.kubernetes.io/not-ready:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
node.kubernetes.io/unreachable:NoExecute op=Exists for 300s
Type Reason Age From Message
---- ------ ---- ---- -------
Normal Scheduled 82s default-scheduler Successfully assigned default/mongo-depl-558475c797-hz5ng to minikube
Normal Pulled 45s kubelet Successfully pulled image "mongo" in 1.628s (34.613s including waiting)
Normal Pulled 43s kubelet Successfully pulled image "mongo" in 1.352s (1.352s including waiting)
Normal Pulled 28s kubelet Successfully pulled image "mongo" in 1.404s (1.404s including waiting)
Normal Created 28s (x3 over 45s) kubelet Created container mongo
Normal Started 28s (x3 over 44s) kubelet Started container mongo
Warning BackOff 14s (x4 over 42s) kubelet Back-off restarting failed container mongo in pod mongo-depl-558475c797-hz5ng_default(bcb9b1e4-49eb-45d3-a501-3b743cc5efcb)
Normal Pulling 1s (x4 over 79s) kubelet Pulling image "mongo"
Another useful command for debugging pod by inspecting the container from CLI interactive mode and executing commands:
kubectl exec -it POD_NAME – bin/bash
Delete the Deployment
Deleting the deployment will delete the Pod along with its replicaSet and pod configuration:
kubectl get deployments
# mongo-depl 0/1 1 0 5m
# nginx-depl 1/1 1 1 6m
# kubectl delete deployment NAME
kubectl delete deployment mongo-depl
# deployment.apps "mongo-depl" deleted
Kubernetes Configuration files
Since there are so many configuration options, adding them from CLI is impractical. The configuration for Kubernetes Components can be managed via Kubernetes YAML files and apply command. Apply both creates and updates Kubernetes configuration.
kubernetes apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml
The basic deployment configuration will look like:
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment # type of configuration
name: nginx-deployment # name of the deployment used for the Service
app: nginx
spec: # specification for deployment
replicas: 2
app: nginx # Deployment connects all the config with an app name label
app: nginx # Pods access the label through the template
spec: # specification for pod
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.25
- containerPort: 8080
Every Kubernetes configuration file has three parts: metadata of the Component such as the application name. Specification contains configuration for the k8s Component. Status is automatically generated by Kubernetes. It will always compare what is actual and desired state. If the application states doesn’t align, it will try to fix it based on Status information from etcd.
kubernetes apply -f nginx-service.yaml
apiVersion: v1 # API versions are different for each k8s component
kind: Service
name: nginx-service
app: nginx # Connects the Deployment label and its Pods
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 8080
Format of the configuration files is YAML and has strict indentation rules, and it usually is part of the infrastructure as code or a single project deployment files.
Labels and selectors
The connection between the k8s Components is established by the labels and selectors. Metadata holds labels and specification holds selectors. In specification of Service selector defines a connection between the service with Deployment and its Pods.
Service port
Every Service has a port where service is accessible at. If other services e.g. DB service connects with the nginx service, it will happen on port 80. Every Service needs to know to which Pod is should forward the request and at which port the Pod is listening.
Apply configuration files
kubectl apply -f nginx-deployment.yaml
kubectl apply -f nginx-service.yaml
How to validate that the service has the correct information about Pods?
kubectl describe service nginx-service # Status information and endpoints
Endpoints contain IP addresses and ports of the Pods where the Service must forward the request to. It must align with the Pods IP column.
kubectl get pod -o wide
Finally verify the deployment Status by updated configuration
kubectl get deployment nginx-deployment -o yaml
Delete configuration files
kubectl delete deployment -f nginx-deployment.yaml
In the second part of the workshop I will show you in practice how to deploy two applications with Kubernetes, where one will be a server communicating to another Pod to access data from the database.