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Probability Distribution in Sonic Arts

projects by Syntia

Sonic arts as a force of liberation, cultural artifacts, and contextualized events connect the semantic, imaginary, sonar systems with the speed of thought and subjectivity.

Sonic fiction language relies on matters of production where repetition of sound and voice has several underlying instances different from the implications of a read story. 

Sonic fiction can be characterized with beats and vocals in unusual sound compositions and sci-fi up to the performance acts followed by meaning of construction in multiple layers of the language. Qualities of the scene as musical repetition and subjectivity engine often lead to the present and past experiences reinterpreting the history. 

Emergence of science fiction into Soviet art and politics was accomplished with the old tape recorders, visual arts and performances from the late 80s and characterized with a Socialist context by discoveries of different art disciplines to develop the idea of utopia through the irony and delusional aspect. 

Alexei Yurchak’s Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More immediately seduced me by its very title with a profound philosophical implication that eternity and hypernormalisation is a historical category. The same paradox runs through the entire book about gradual disintegration of the Soviet system from within its ideological and cultural space making visible all the hypocrisy. 

Articulation of performativity creates the cultural context up to the point where it becomes self ironic.

Decolonizing sonic arts involves activism of depoliticizing oneself from the political discourse in order to reengineer and accomplish political transformation.

Documented sonic experiences thrive from the sensory transference while listening to sounds structured in certain rhythms, frequencies and form to build sonic experience through sensory. Violence in sonic art does not hide the destructiveness but confronts a certain set of the story to make a positive effect on empowerment, imaginary, cultural practices and transforms narrative to the different place of liberty. Provocative proactiveness of activism embolden the audience to confront reality from a different perspective. Therefore, political context plays an important role to the meaning that goes beyond aesthetic decorativeness.

Ref: Interview with Giada Dalla Bontá, Ayesha Hameed and Holger Schulze